The Healing Story Alliance is a Special Interest Group of the National Storytelling Network. Our purpose is to explore and promote the use of storytelling in healing. There are storytellers across the country (and beyond) telling stories to adults and children who struggle with illness, or grief, addiction or abuse, or any of the challenges in our human journeys. There are many others who do not think of themselves primarily as storytellers, though they know the positive power of story in health care, counseling, pastoral care, and other settings. Through this SIG, we will share our experience and our skills in using stories to inform, inspire, nurture and heal. We will work together to increase our knowledge of stories and our knowledge of the best ways to use stories in service to others.
HSA Membership Makes Possible:
- Discounted Attendance for HSA Pre-Conference Workshops at the NSN Annual Conference.
- Free Admission to Kind Stories in Concert and similar HSA sponsored events.
- Email Listserv Interactive discussion of topics related to story and healing.
- Membership meetings and HSA Storytelling Swaps at the NSN Annual Conference
Membership Dues
Healing Story Alliance membership is:
$25 per year for members of the National Storytelling Network (NSN)
$35 per year for non-NSN members
Click here to join both NSN and HSA
Click here to only join HSA
You can also support the work of HSA through a donation.
Click here for more information on NSN benefits or call NSN’s office at (816) 883-4781.