Onawumi Jean Moss

Storytelling In Times Like These
The focus of this teleconference is on storytelling as a pivotal instrument to spark interest in social change. Storytelling is an integral part of our consciousness. In the best of times it is sent forth to nurture our dreams, aspirations and our ability to think highly of ourselves and others. In those moments, unfettered by bigotry, prejudice or discrimination, we celebrate! On the flip-side, story’s archives are overflowing with nightmarish tales of resistance to social change of which inclusivity and diversity are inseparable. So given our right to freedom of speech what, in real time, is a storyteller to do? So many answers…so little time.

Onawumi will share stories from her Sankofa Collection–UNCHAINED VOICES…along with anecdotes from experiences in the field.

Each piece, selected to cast light on and encourage advocacy is told to honor those on whose shoulders we stand, those who stand before us, and those who are yet to come.

JOIN this interactive experience-be ready to lift your voice and SAY WHU-U-UT!!!

Onawumi Jean Moss is an award-winning storyteller, playwright, and actress. During her prolific career at Amherst College (1985-2007) she conceived and produced the Keepers of the Word Storytelling Festival (1993-2006), an avant-garde multicultural event.
Learn more @ onawawumi.com   
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