Upcoming Teleconference

Climate Despair:  Can Storytelling Offer a Path Toward Light?
with Judith Black

Wednesday,  April 18that 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern

 Anyone who reads climate science can see the writing on the decaying and broken sea walls, the flooded streets, the draught-stricken, hardened soils of central Africa, and their insurance premiums.  There is little good news and a Federal government pushing us even faster over the precipice.  Here is the truth:  One cannot live in despair.  It is not a home that generates light, love, or movement.

Join Judith for this HSA teleconference during which we will collectively explore ways to use our art that both acknowledge and combat the darkness and bring all around us to paths of environmental action and healing.


Judith Black, one of America’s foremost storytellers, retells history from new perspectives, tickles familial dysfunction, offers ironic explorations of aging, and most recently has turned her skills towards our disrupted climate.  As a Wheelock College graduate and former teacher she is able to draw storytelling through the educational landscape, showing its profound uses in cognitive, emotional, and social learning. Her work for adults has been featured twelve times at the National Storytelling Festival and on stages from the Montreal Comedy Festival to the Art Museum of Cape Town, SA. She is the winner of the Oracle Award, storytelling’s most coveted laurel, and was recently given the Brother Blue and Ruth Hill Award. Locally she originated and ran Bridging Live for 16 years, sings with Calla Lilly, is an active member of the Marblehead Harbor Rotary Club, 350.org, and Sustainable Marblehead. Presently, she is trying to figure out how to live without burning fossil fuels and teaches two classes annually:



All calls scheduled at U.S. time
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The Teleconferences lasts one hour and offer a combination of presentation, discussion and Q&A.

To join in the call in the United States* –
Dial  Call in Number: (605) 475-4749

And after dialing, when prompted, all countries then dial in the
Participant Access Code: 640709#


*For international calls, please contact  Elisa Pearmain for the call-in number.
If you are dropped from the call or do not connect – hang up and call back!

Teleconferences Are Free
 – although your usual long distance costs apply, there is no other charge.

A collection of past Teleconferences are available here.

Please review this important resource! Both members and non-members of the Healing Story Alliance are welcome to listen.

We hope that these informative evenings will encourage and inspire more people to join HSA and the exciting work we are doing.

We welcome donations! See donation button at the bottom of our home page. The Healing Storytelling Alliance is a special interest group of the National Storytelling Network. Our purpose is to explore and promote the use of storytelling in healing, by storytellers, health care, counseling and pastoral care professionals and all who recognize the positive power of story in health.

Through the HSA, we will share our experience and our skills and collaborate to learn to be more effective in using stories to inform, inspire, nurture and heal.

Membership is $25 per year for NSN members, $35 for non-NSN Members. Click here for more information on HSA.

The Teleconferences lasts one hour and offer a combination of presentation, discussion, and Q&A.


Membership is $25 per year for NSN members,
$35 for non-NSN Members. Click here to join HSA.

Upcoming Teleconferences:


If you are unable to be on the scheduled calls, go to Teleconference Recordings to listen to the recorded events, posted within a month of the original event.

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